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ESG Viewpoint:
PineBridge Investments

# RepRisk interviews Alessia Falsarone, Head of Sustainable
Investing DMFI, Chair, Corporate Responsibility Steering Committee at PineBridge Investments

# March 2020

1. RepRisk: Could you please provide some insight into your specific role at PineBridge and share a bit about PineBridge’s approach to ESG?

Alessia Falsarone: I am responsible for designing and driving the developed markets fixed income team’s sustainability agenda by providing subject matter expertise, guiding the day-to-day portfolio-level investment decisions involving ESG dimensions, and aligning the team’s traditional portfolio strategy and investment risk processes. I have also strengthened our coverage of global green, social and sustainability bond markets, including the development of the proprietary ESG evaluation framework we rely upon in bond selection. Our approach involves the outright integration of ESG considerations into our traditional portfolio allocation decisions – from in pre-investment due diligence to post investment evaluation analyses. I also serve as Chair of the firm’s Corporate Responsibility Steering Committee. While promoting the sharing of best practices, we aim at ensuring that our corporate responsibility activities follow a cohesive strategy – the same way investors expect from investee companies.

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