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January 27, 2021, Zurich, Switzerland, and Taipei, Taiwan

RepRisk provides ESG risk data to Yuanta Securities Investment Trust (Yuanta Funds)

# Taiwan’s leading asset management firm now uses environmental, social, and governance (ESG) data from RepRisk in its investment analysis

RepRisk, the leading ESG data science firm combining machine learning and human intelligence to identify and assess ESG risks, is pleased to provide ESG risk data to Yuanta Funds, a leading asset management firm in Taiwan providing a wide range of services that range from mutual funds to ETFs for a variety of investors with diverse financial plans.

In keeping with their commitment to provide consistently accurate, up-to-date, and insightful research and investment tools, Yuanta Funds will integrate RepRisk data in its investment analysis across portfolio screening and monitoring processes. Additionally, RepRisk’s daily-updated data will be used as a factor in generating Yuanta Funds’ proprietary fund-level ESG risk ratings.

“We are proud to be an integral tool in Yuanta Funds’ mission to provide innovative investment solutions,” said Alexandra Mihailescu Cichon, Executive Vice President of Sales and Marketing at RepRisk. “ESG integration into investment strategy has seen explosive growth over the past few years. We’re proud to contribute RepRisk’s unrivaled coverage and daily-updated, actionable data that facilitates ESG integration across asset classes; from public equities to private markets, and from fixed income to infrastructure investments.”

The Yuanta Funds Investment Team expressed the following, “We are thrilled to leverage RepRisk’s unrivaled ESG risk and business conduct dataset – generated by a unique combination of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and human intelligence – to inform our investment decisions and avoid investing in higher risk companies. We will incorporate these metrics into our fundamental analysis and further assess how a company moves towards a sustainable development business model. Yuanta Funds’ responsibility is not just maximizing the portfolio performance of its beneficiaries, but engaging with companies in which we invest on ESG issues, and better aligning our investment activities with both the broader and long-term interests of society.”

RepRisk offers daily-updated quantitative risk analytics, qualitative research, and proprietary metrics for more than 160,000 public and private companies, and from every sector and market across the globe. This data serves leading financial institutions and corporates in their due diligence and risk management processes across their operations, business relationships, and investments.

About RepRisk

Founded in 1998 and headquartered in Switzerland, RepRisk is a pioneer in ESG data science that leverages the combination of AI and machine learning with human intelligence to systematically analyze public information and identify material ESG risks. RepRisk’s flagship product, the RepRisk ESG Risk Platform, is the world’s largest and most comprehensive due diligence database on ESG and business conduct risks, with expertise in 23 languages and coverage of 160,000+ public and private companies and 40,000+ infrastructure projects. For more than a decade, the world’s leading financial institutions and corporations have trusted RepRisk for due diligence and risk management across their operations, business relationships, and investments.

About Yuanta Securities Investment Trust

Established in 1992 and located in Taipei, Taiwan, Yuanta Funds is part of the Yuanta Financial Holdings group and is also the industry’s largest ETF issuer based on a significant margin. Yuanta Funds owns the largest portion of the managed assets in Taiwan, and our products include both active and passive instruments, futures funds, domestic and international equity products, leveraged/inverse ETFs and so on. With the backing of Taiwan’s largest and strongest research team, Yuanta Funds helps investors stay up-to-date with the latest ins-and-outs so as to react quickly enough in order to optimize on investment strategies. The AI-Investing Robo-Advisor developed by Yuanta Funds also provides multi-asset management suggestions and solutions in a short, medium and long-term range, so as to analyze the market objectively. Since Yuanta Funds is currently the leader in this industry and we have posted a record of outstanding performance in both domestic and international funds. This has been recognized with numerous awards for the excellence of our products, brand and professional talent.

蘇黎世,瑞士 — 2021年一月27日

RepRisk 爲元大投信提供 ESG 風險數據

# 台灣投信龍頭將在投資分析中運用來自 RepRisk 的環境、 社會、企業治理(ESG) 數據

ESG數據科學公司RepRisk將為台灣元大證券投資信託股份有限公司(元大投信)提供ESG風險數 據。RepRisk領先全球,結合人類與人工智慧進行ESG風險識別與評估,元大投信則爲投資人提供全方位的金融商品與服務。


RepRisk市場營銷部執行副總裁Alexandra Mihailescu Cichon女士表示:「 RepRisk 很高興能支持元大投信爲客戶提供創新的投資解決方案。過去幾年中,將ESG因素納入投資策略的趨勢呈現爆 炸性成長,我們很榮幸能爲推進這一進程助力,提供全面、即時、實用的數據,將ESG整合於各式資 產類別,包括從公募基金到私募基金、從固定收益到基礎設施投資等領域。」



關於 RepRisk

RepRisk成立於1998年,總部位於瑞士。RepRisk是ESG數據科學領域的先鋒,結合人類智慧 與AI機器學習技術,系統性解析公開資訊,識別重大ESG風險。RepRisk旗艦産品「RepRisk ESG風險數據平台」,是全世界最大、最全面的盡職調查數據庫,聚焦ESG及商業行爲風險。平台資料來源囊括20種語言,涵蓋16萬餘家上市和非上市公司以及4萬餘項基礎設施工程。自成立以來,RepRisk服務衆多世界頂尖的金融機構與企業集團,輔助其在自身經營、業務往來、 和投資過程中有效進行盡職調查和風險管理。


元大投信於1992年成立,座落於台灣台北,為元大金融控股集團之關聯企業,為業界ETF發行商,在台灣ETF市佔率近三成,穩居市場第一;公募基金規模全台灣最大,基金類型橫跨主動式、指數型、期信基金、海內外股權、商品、槓桿反向等;元大投信擁有最堅實的研究團隊及規 模龐大的研究陣容,協助投資人即時了解財經資訊,並制定快速完善最佳投資策略,同時開發亞洲首家ETF-AI智能投資平台,提供ETF多元資產及多空方向建議 ;歷年來元大投信在海內外基金績效表現優異,在產品、品牌、人才三大面向,皆榮獲國內外多項專業機構評鑑大獎,奠定產業龍頭地位。