RepRisk runs the world’s largest, daily updated database on ESG risks with 17+ years of unbroken data history. We combine AI and advanced machine learning with human intelligence to identify material ESG risks on companies, real assets, and countries. RepRisk provides clients and partners with due-diligence grade data and metrics mapped to 102 ESG risk factors and to standards such as UNGC, SASB, SDG, constructed using a transparent rules-based methodology..
Since 2007, RepRisk has produced the largest,
high-quality annotated (human-labeled)
dataset that allows us to train our machine
learning algorithms to be more accurate
and effective in identifying ESG risks
Our clients have access
to a consistent time series
of high-quality data that
can be used for rigorous back-
testing and quantitative analysis
Our highly-trained team of 150+ analysts
curates and analyzes each risk incident
according to our transparent
rules-based methodology that
ensures data depth and quality
Since 2007, RepRisk has produced the largest, high-quality annotated (human-labeled) dataset that allows us to train our machine learning algorithms to be more accurate and effective in identifying ESG risks
Our highly-trained team of 150+ analysts curates and analyzes each risk incident according to our transparent rules-based methodology that ensures data depth and quality
Our clients have access to a consistent time series of high-quality data that can be used for rigorous back-testing and quantitative analysis
rely on RepRisk for their due diligence and risk management processes
trust RepRisk as a daily-updated risk overlay for their ESG integration and investment analysis
trust RepRisk for their partner, project, and country due diligence on ESG risks
Over the years, RepRisk has been the proud recipient of numerous industry awards.
These accolades are significant for both RepRisk and our clients, as they acknowledge our
best-in-class ESG risk data and the constant pursuit of innovation and excellence.