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May 23, 2022, Tokyo, Japan

RepRisk proudly announces launch of RepRisk Japan and unveils new Tokyo office

# Winning Japan’s Green Finance Subsidy Program, RepRisk will contribute to the acceleration of green finance in Japan via best-in-class ESG risk data

RepRisk, a leading ESG data science firm combining machine learning and human intelligence to identify ESG risks, is proud to announce the opening of their Tokyo office, marking the permanent physical presence of RepRisk in Japan.

RepRisk was one of six companies who won the Green Finance Subsidy Program for Tokyo Market Entry in March, which aims to promote green finance investments to overseas asset managers and fintech companies when they start new businesses in Tokyo to promote sustainable growth in the post-COVID-19 recovery.

“There’s a revolution in green finance occurring in Japan, and RepRisk is excited to contribute to this movement with a permanent office and presence in Tokyo,” said Alexandra Mihailescu-Cichon, Executive Vice President of Sales and Marketing. “Additionally, we are excited to have our new local team, who will help bring the world’s largest and most comprehensive database of ESG risks to Japan’s leading banks, insurances, institutional investors, and asset managers.”

“RepRisk data covers wide range of companies and projects globally and gives us an easy access to associated ESG information from global ESG topics to local media articles, materiality analysis based on global frameworks, and peer comparison with ESG scores, so that we can identify and track material ESG risks which would cause reputational impacts on them and ourselves,” said Mr. Amane Yamazaki, Managing Director, Head of Sustainable Business Division at MUFG Bank, Ltd. “We are excited to welcome their new office opened in Japan and look forward to further strengthening our ties.”

A pioneer in ESG data science, the flagship RepRisk ESG Risk Platform provides unique risk profiles for more than 265,000 public and private companies and more than 80,000 infrastructure projects. With this step, RepRisk will further grow their presence and client and partner base with leading Japanese investors. Since 2006, RepRisk has built a consistent dataset with a rules-based and transparent methodology that goes back 15 years – the longest time series in the industry. RepRisk’s outside-in approach exclusively looks at a company from an external perspective, which serves as a reality check for how a company manages ESG issues and conducts its business on the ground.    

About RepRisk

Founded in 1998 and headquartered in Switzerland, RepRisk is a pioneer in ESG data science that leverages the combination of AI and machine learning with human intelligence to systematically analyze public information and identify material ESG risks. RepRisk’s flagship product, the RepRisk ESG Risk Platform, is the world’s largest and most comprehensive due diligence database on ESG and business conduct risks, with expertise in 23 languages and coverage of 265,000+ public and private companies and 80,000+ infrastructure projects. For more than a decade, the world’s leading financial institutions and corporations have trusted RepRisk for due diligence and risk management across their operations, business relationships, and investments. Find out more on

2022年 5 月 23 日


世界最大のESGテクノロジー会社であるRepRisk AG(本社:スイス、チューリッヒ)は、昨今ESG(環境・社会・ガバナンス)の重要性が増す中、さらなる事業拡大に向け、「レプリスクジャパン株式会社」を設立し、東京にオフィスを開設しました。


RepRiskエグゼクティブ・バイス・プレジテントであるAlexandra Mihailescu-Cichonは東京オフィス開設にあたり、以下のように述べています。


株式会社三菱UFJ銀行のサステナブルビジネス部(環境社会リスク管理担当)部長の山﨑 周氏から、次のようにコメントを頂いております。



RepRisk AGについて:

1998年設立、スイス・チューリッヒに本社を置くRepRisk AGは、AIと機械学習を人間の知能と組み合わせて活用し、公開情報を体系的に分析し、重要なESGリスクを特定する、ESGデータサイエンスのパイオニアです。 RepRisk ESGリスクプラットフォームは、ESGリスクに関する世界最大のデータベースであり、265,000を超える公的機関・民間企業と80,000を超えるインフラストラクチャープロジェクトをカバーしています。世界をリードする金融機関・企業が、デューデリジェンスとリスク管理のためにRepRiskのデータを利用しています。詳細については、RepRisk | World's largest ESG technology companyをご覧ください。

東京都‐グリーンファイナンス外国企業進出支援事業 支援対象企業の決定について:

グリーンファイナンス外国企業進出支援事業|東京都 (